Full Inspection
Summary / Goals
- put pollen patties in for both hives
- refille syrup
- check for wax buildout in beeyonce 2nd floor
- check for queen escape in beeatrice
Mostly cloudy, 55F -- not great for inspections
Encounter Log
Beeatrice (Closest to the house)
- there is no brood present.
- queen is still in her queen cage, the sugar plug still has a little left to go. I didn't pierce it, just letting the bees do their thing.
- bees weren't overly aggressive like last time, maybe because they smell the queen.
- lots of resources on frames. Will they be a target for robbing?
- I opted to keep entrance reducer on to ensure they weren't stuck fighting other hives
- New pollen patty installed.
- Swapped sugar syrup
Beeyonce (Furthest from the house)
- hive still had maybe 1/4 jar of sugar syrup available. They're slowing down
- top box mostly empty, no drawn comb. Jeannie warned about this in class, said we had to pyramid new boxes.
- I pyramided the box to help.
- New pollen patty installed
- swapped sugar syrup